Monday, November 1, 2010

he fought and he fought

a born fighter
nothing could take him down
not even life and its curve balls
a sugar cane farmer
not as sweet as most think
everyone else enjoyed the sweet taste
but him
he continued on anyways
the vision was his
there was no giving it up
like a mountain in the distance
that seems so close
he decided to walk
and walk
and run
why does it seem so far still?
he came too far anyways
so he continued
only to eventually realize that the beauty of the mountain
was best enjoyed from a distance anyways
he wanted to see both views
it felt better at the top anyways
so most say
he isn't there yet
so he continues to fight
will he get to the top?
if he does will it be too late?
I hope he enjoyed the journey
the reward is at the top
keep fighting
after all you are fighter
after all, it is all we know
it is all you know, warrior

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